Terms and conditions

This website is owned by iNova Pharmaceuticals (Australia) Pty Ltd (iNova). allows you to use this website on the following terms. Your continued use of this website constitutes your agreement to and acceptance of these terms:

  1. Disclaimer: This website has been developed as a service to consumers.

    The information provided on this website is not intended to be medical advice or as a substitute for medical advice.

    iNova have directed a third party service provider to manage this website, to collect and use your personal information, as well as providing questionnaire results, updates and educational resources on weight management. iNova and its service providers comply with all legal requirements of Australia concerning privacy including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the “Privacy Act”) and the Australian Privacy Principles (“APPs”).

  2. Website information: ou acknowledge that iNova does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, currency and completeness of the information on this website. iNova strives to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate and up-to-date. However, iNova reserves the right at any time to change or add to the information provided on this website, including these terms, without notice.

  3. Viruses: iNova does not warrant that this website will be free from viruses or other threats to your computer systems or software that may be transferred electronically. iNova will not be liable to you for any damage caused by any such viruses or other material.

  4. Privacy: iNova recognises the importance of protecting your privacy. iNova is bound by and is committed to observing its obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the APPs set out in Schedule 3 to that Act. iNova have engaged RoseRX Pty Ltd ACN 666 502 049 (RoseRx), a third party service provider, to manage this website, to collect and use your personal information, as well as providing questionnaire results, updates and educational resources on weight management. For details on RoseRx privacy policy please click here. RoseRx is a Digital Software and Service firm that provide a personalised pathway for patients to navigate to a healthcare professional.

  5. Linked third party sites: Hyperlinks and pointers to websites operated by third parties may appear on this website from time to time and are for convenience only. Those third party websites do not form part of this website, are not under the control of iNova and are not otherwise associated with iNova. iNova’s responsibilities to you under these terms apply only in relation to your use of this website, and end as soon as you leave it. Any questions about the information collection or other policies of those websites should be directed to the owners of those websites.

    iNova does not endorse or warrant anything in relation to linked third party websites including, without limitation, the accessibility, accuracy, quality of service, completeness, security or reliability of any information, products, services or links provided by or through them, or the collection or use of any personal information by such websites or website owners. You access linked third party websites entirely at your own risk.

  6. Copyright and Trademarks: Unless otherwise indicated, iNova owns, or uses under licence, all copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights in the contents and design of this website. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) or other applicable laws and as permitted below, you must not reproduce, adapt, store in a retrieval system, transmit, print, display, perform, publish the whole or any part of this website. You may view the content of this website on your Internet browser and also print copies of the content for your own personal or non-commercial purposes only, provided that you do not remove or modify any copyright notices from such copies. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any ownership rights or any other by downloading copyright material.

    The iNova name and logo are trademarks of iNova and its related bodies corporate. You must not use those names or any related logos without first obtaining iNova’s written consent. If iNova provides written consent for your use of any of those names or related logos, you must include a statement attributing those names and related logos to iNova.

    In any event, iNova reserves any rights not expressly granted in these terms.

  7. Exclusion of liabilities: To the extent legally permitted, iNova is not liable to you for any claim, expense, loss or damage incurred by you arising directly or indirectly out of your access or use of (or inability to access or use) this website, whether direct, consequential, special, indirect or other loss or damage, and whether such liability arises out of contract, tort, statute or otherwise.

  8. Jurisdiction: These terms and any disputes arising under them or otherwise in relation to this website are governed by the laws applying in New South Wales and the courts having jurisdiction in that State. If any provision of these terms is held by a court to be contrary to law, then that provision will not form part of these terms to the extent of the invalidity but all the other terms will remain in full force and effect.

  9. References to iNova: Any references to iNova in these terms include a reference to its employees, agents and contractors and each of their respective employees, agents and contractors.

It’s time to put food in its place.

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Date of Approval September 2023.