Partnering with your doctor for weight management

6 minutes to read

Partnering with your doctor for weight management

So you’ve decided it’s time to take action about your weight - amazing! This article summarises who can help you and how you can work together to reach your goals.

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Eating like you’re addicted to food – impact on weight gain

5 minutes to read

Eating like you’re addicted to food – impact on weight gain

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you can’t stop eating? Read on to learn more about the biology and psychology behind eating behaviours and when it may be time to have a chat with your doctor about how, what, when and why you eat.

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Habits that cause weight gain

5 minutes to read

Subconscious eating and the impact on weight gain

Have you ever been in a situation where you have started eating something and the next thing you know the food is completely gone? Perhaps there was a time after work when you were watching TV and wanted to treat yourself to a few pieces of chocolate, but a couple of ad breaks later, the block of chocolate was gone, and you had no memory of enjoying it. In this article, we delve into the eating behaviour known as subconscious eating and how it may impact weight gain. 

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Emotional Eating

4 minutes to read

Emotional eating and the impact on weight gain

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘eat your feelings’? Do you tend to reach for comfort food when you’re feeling certain emotions, or to help ‘get you through’? This is a type of eating behaviour known as emotional eating.1–3 Here we dive into emotional eating, why it happens and the impact it can have on weight management.

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A guide to obesity and weight management

4 minutes to read

A guide to obesity and weight management

Worried about your weight? Not sure how to tell if you’re carrying a few extra kilos or if you would be considered obese? Here is a quick guide on what obesity is, what causes it and what options are available to help.

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Long-term weight loss - why diet alone may not work

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Long-term weight loss - why diet alone may not work

Overweight and obesity have increased in Australian adults by 10% over the last two decades,1 despite a growing number of management approaches. So why is it so hard to lose weight? Here we explore the role of diet and the ‘weight set point’ in weight management, and why extra weight might be difficult to keep off.

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There is no ‘best way’ to manage obesity

6 minutes to read

There is no ‘best way’ to manage obesity

The number of Australian adults who are overweight or obese has been steadily increasing over the past two decades, with around 2 in 3 people now classed as overweight or obese.1 We’ve all heard the advice to eat less and move more – but managing obesity is really not that simple or straightforward. Here, we explore different factors that can drive obesity and why there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to weight management.

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6 minutes to read

Understanding hunger, the brain, and how it may lead to obesity

Did you know that around 2 in 3 adult Australians are considered overweight or obese?1 Over the past twenty years, the rates of obesity have been rising across the country1 – but does this mean we are a hungry nation? What does hunger have to do with obesity when we have so much food available? Read on to find out.

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It’s time to put food in its place.

Taking the first step doesn’t have to be difficult. Get started on your way to weight loss:

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Date of Approval September 2023.