Weight management is within your reach

Giving in to food cravings is more than just a lack of willpower. Understanding the science of why we can’t stop eating is a key step to getting the right help to lose weight and manage obesity.

Can’t stop eating? Feel like you don’t have an ‘off’ switch?

For some people, food cravings can be almost impossible to control or resist – especially when coupled with strong emotions like stress. This can hijack a person’s weight loss journey.

If I eat what I’m craving I lose control and eat too much.

Once I start eating, I have trouble stopping.

Stack of donuts

I can’t stop thinking about eating, no matter how hard I try.

If I’m craving food, I cannot stop thinking about it until I eat it.

Sound familiar?

Understand the science of food cravings and speak with your doctor to help put food in its place.

Meet the parts of your brain responsible for hunger and cravings

Eating certain foods that trigger the reward system results in the release of dopamine, which can lead you to seek out more of those foods - even to the point of overriding signals from the hunger centre that you are full. This imbalance in reward and hunger can be felt as food cravings or seen as impulsive eating.

Diagram of a human brain

This imbalance can cause food cravings and be seen as impulsive eating.

Understand the science of food cravings and speak with your doctor to help put food in its place.

Eating like you’re addicted to food – impact on weight gain

5 minutes to read

Eating like you’re addicted to food – impact on weight gain

Do you ever find yourself in a situation where you can’t stop eating? Read on to learn more about the biology and psychology behind eating behaviours and when it may be time to have a chat with your doctor about how, what, when and why you eat.

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Habits that cause weight gain

5 minutes to read

Subconscious eating and the impact on weight gain

Have you ever been in a situation where you have started eating something and the next thing you know the food is completely gone? Perhaps there was a time after work when you were watching TV and wanted to treat yourself to a few pieces of chocolate, but a couple of ad breaks later, the block of chocolate was gone, and you had no memory of enjoying it. In this article, we delve into the eating behaviour known as subconscious eating and how it may impact weight gain. 

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Emotional Eating

4 minutes to read

Emotional eating and the impact on weight gain

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘eat your feelings’? Do you tend to reach for comfort food when you’re feeling certain emotions, or to help ‘get you through’? This is a type of eating behaviour known as emotional eating.1–3 Here we dive into emotional eating, why it happens and the impact it can have on weight management.

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Frequently asked questions

How can I gain control over my cravings and stop myself from overeating?

What is the difference between hedonic eating behaviours and other eating conditions, e.g. binge eating and food addiction?

Why do doctors rely on BMI for obesity management?

It’s time to put food in its place.

Taking the first step doesn’t have to be difficult. Get started on your way to weight loss:

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Date of Approval September 2023.

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